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Observatorio de Adolescentes y Jóvenes

El Observatorio de Adolescentes y Jóvenes es un espacio en el que convergen investigadores preocupados por el despliegue concreto de las agencias de control social penal, en el marco de un estado democrático de derecho.

Coordinado por Silvia Guemureman y con una trayectoria que arranca en el año 2002, el Observatorio se inscribe en el Grupo de Estudios e Investigación sobre Infancia, Adolescencia y Juventud, radicado en el Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.



Infâncias é um projeto de pesquisa, registro e reflexão sobre a vida de crianças em diferentes lugares do país.


PARTICIPATÓRIO – Observatório Participativo da Juventude

O PARTICIPATÓRIO – Observatório Participativo da Juventude é um ambiente virtual interativo com o objetivo de produzir conhecimento sobre/para/pela a juventude brasileira e à participação e mobilização social. 

Participam deste espaço, além dos jovens, redes, coletivos, movimentos sociais, gestores, pesquisadores, parlamentares, todos que queiram contribuir e integrar-se às discussões propostas. O que for debatido poderá auxiliar, por exemplo, para o aperfeiçoamento ou a criação de políticas públicas, legislação, produção de conhecimentos e outras questões relevantes para a juventude brasileira.

É um espaço qualificado para o diálogo, o debate e a interação de jovens, gestores, pesquisadores e demais formuladores em torno das políticas para juventude promovidas pela SNJ e por outros órgãos do poder público.

Acima de tudo é um espaço de articulação de saberes envolvendo jovens, pesquisadores, instituições, observatórios e grupos de pesquisa, gestores, movimentos sociais, no Brasil e no exterior, para refletir sobre questões, dilemas e políticas públicas.


Equidad para la infancia - América Latina

En primer lugar se explican los pasos previos a la aprobación de la convención. Luego, sus principios generales y la incidencia que ha tenido la convención a nivel mundial. En este sentido, la CDN ha transformado el modo en que era considerada la infancia en todo el mundo, dando lugar a una concepción acorde a los derechos humanos. timthumbda97A su vez, ha ejercido una influencia en las legislaciones, los programas y las políticas nacionales e internacionales, las instituciones públicas y privadas, las familias y las comunidades para que sean respetados los derechos de la infancia.

El documento continúa describiendo la situación actual de cumplimiento de algunos derechos específicos y finalmente, se brindan una serie de ensayos de especialistas y colaboradores con la CDN pertenecientes a distintos países. Por último se abordan los desafíos de la CDN para el siglo XIX.

Esta publicación, tiene por objeto, reflejar el estado mundial de cumplimiento de derechos de la infancia, tras cumplirse 20 años de la aprobación de la Convención internacional de los Derechos del Niño.


Research Committee 53 (Sociology of Childhood)

The aim of RC53 (Sociology of Childhood) is to contribute to the development of sociological and interdisciplinary childhood research, uniting professional knowledge, scientific rigour, and dedication of its members to work on childhood issues at national, regional, and international levels.

RC53 promotes and disseminates research on children’s presence and participation in social life. Until the last twenty years of 20th Century, children were prevalently studied as passive receivers of socialization processes and as learners in education systems. Starting from this background, Sociology of Childhood has been promoting new approaches according to which children are seen in their social relationships, as permanent social structure of society, as social actors in daily interactions and/or as agents of social change, in family, institutions, groups, communities. In these contexts, research analyses both the hierarchical order according to which children are submitted to adults’ rules, and the opportunity that children have to change these rules.

The Sociology of Childhood analyses children’s economic condition, institutional efforts to support children, how children are seen in society by parents, professionals and media, and children’s perspectives on their social environment and their relation with it. For this analysis, the sociology of childhood promotes empirical research based on both quantitative methods (using statistical analysis) and qualitative methods (using interviews, ethnographies and analysis of interactions).

The Sociology of childhood gives particular attention to the different forms of childhood and the different conditions of children’s life and participation, in a highly differentiated and unequal global society.


Norwegian Centre for Child Research (NOSEB)

Norwegian Centre for Child Research (NOSEB) is a national, interdisciplinary centre that started its activities in 1982. NOSEB does basic and applied long-term research on childhood, and on the activities and conditions of children's lives. The centre offers an international, interdisciplinary master's programme, and MPhil in Childhood Studies and a PhD programme in Interdisciplinary Child Research.

NOSEB attaches great importance to international collaboration. The centre's numerous research conferences are a vital part of this. Its hosting of Childhood, the leading journal within the field of childhood research, published in collaboration with Sage Publications Ltd., is another example. NOSEB's international profile is also developed through the centre's participation in several research networks and through the fact that it is a key institution in Childwatch International. The centre includes several internationally acclaimed child researchers, and its master's and PhD courses also have a strongly international profile.

On a national level NOSEB emphasises the development of the field of child research through participation in networks within similar scientific fields, including geography, social anthropology, sociology, history and pedagogy. The centre's journal Barn is an important national and Nordic channel of mediation for this interdisciplinary child research.


Centre for Childhood and Adolescence (Cyprus) - Center for the Study of Childhood and Adolescence (CSCA)

The Center for the Study of Childhood and Adolescence (CSCA) has as its guiding principle the belief that children and adolescents are, like other social groups, valuable members of society; hence, they should be fully integrated in society, their voices should be heard and their interests promoted and protected. Our lack of adequate knowledge about the lives of children and adolescents as they themselves experience and understand them is an area where the Center envisions to contribute.

To this end, the Center focuses its activities on three broad areas: 1) research, 2) education, and 3) consultation. More specifically, the CSCA aims to:

Create a network of researchers from different disciplines and from different academic institutions and children's and adolescents' organizations with the aim of collaborating on common research projects. To the extent that is possible, collaborations are sought locally with members of all communities and internationally with other similar research centers and bodies. The Center provides a common ground for researchers to meet regularly to discuss research, to explore funding opportunities, and to design and carry out research projects. Moreover, the Center has undertaken the task of collecting and organizing the existing research on children and adolescents in Cyprus and makes it accessible for researcher use.



Founded in 2002, CSCY is an inter-disciplinary centre that brings together researchers from across the social and health sciences, arts and humanities. Understanding the complexity of contemporary childhoods requires an interdisciplinary approach to research, which learns from the past, values the present and optimizes the future.

 As a centre of excellence for research into childhood and youth, CSCY researchers explore the challenges and opportunities for children growing up in the 21st century, with an eye to the past as well as to imagining possible futures.

Through our international research collaborations and partnerships with policy and user communities, children’s lives are placed centre stage in our research.


Núcleo Cearense de Estudos e Pesquisa sobre a Criança - NUCEPEC

O Núcleo Cearense de Estudos e Pesquisa sobre a Criança-NUCEPEC é um programa de extensão da Universidade Federal do Ceará que integra estudantes, professores e profissionais que por meio da gestão compartilhada desenvolvem há 28 anos atividades em prol da promoção, defesa e garantia dos direitos das crianças e dos adolescentes.

O núcleo é pioneiro na região Nordeste e entre as Universidades públicas, segundo Núcleo Universitário de Defesa dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente no Brasil.

O NUCEPEC tem por princípios: a defesa da vida e da cidadania; o compromisso om a transformação da sociedade, rumo à justiça e à solidariedade; a visão da criança e do adolescente como agentes da sua própria história; o compromisso social da Universidade; A valorização da identidade pessoal e da autonomia, através da construção coletiva.


NAV - Núcleo de Atenção à Violência

O NAV é uma Organização da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público (OSCIP) que tem como objetivo intervir em situações de violência através de: atendimento clínico orientado pela psicanálise para crianças, adolescentes e autores de agressão, envolvidos em situações de violência doméstica e risco social. Capacitação para profissionais das redes de saúde , educação, assistência  social, justiça e de conselhos tutelares.


Observatoire Jeunes et Société

L’OJS est un regroupement rassemblant plus de soixante chercheurs du Québec, du Canada et d’ailleurs, surtout francophones, qui s’intéressent à la jeunesse.

L’OJS se structure selon quatre grands champs de recherche (jeunes en difficulté et politiques sociales ; éducation et socialisation ; travail et insertion professionnelle ; pratiques sociales et culturelles) qui s’inscrivent tous dans une vision commune de la jeunesse. 






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